DIY Year-Round Wreath Featuring the Hydrangea + Peony Floral Bundle

I recently began doing live floral design demonstrations on my Instagram account. Here is a demo I did using the Hydrangea + Peony Floral Bundle available in the shop.  You can watch the video at the link below, or I've written out the step-by-step instructions needed to complete this design.
The pretty green hydrangeas contrasted with the eggplant purple peony and dark leafy greenery are a great color combo for year round decorating. This design uses basic wreath making techniques which I outline in my book Elegant Handcrafted Wreaths available now. Happy creating!
Season: Year Round
Skill Level: Beginner
Size:  overall 20" with greenery with some accents extending further


14" Grapevine Wreath

Wire Cutters (for trimming materials)

High temperature hot glue gun and glue sticks (all materials in this project are attached using hot glue)


Trimmed Materials from the Hydrangea + Peony Floral Bundle

(all of these floral materials can be found in the shop here)

8 Rubber Leaf Branches (10" long)

12 Boxwood Branches (6" long)

1 Peach Dahlia (5" long stem)

1 Green Hydrangea (5" long stem)

1 Eggplant Peony (5" long stem)

1 Astilbe Spray (trimmed to 3 individual branches with 2" bare stem on the end)

3 Hanging Fern Branches (1 x 10" long, 2 x 7" long)

5 Laurel Leaf Branches (6" long)



1. Begin with the Grapevine Wreath Base and add 5 of the Rubber Leaf Branches evenly spaced around the wreath.

2. Add the Boxwood Branches among the attached Rubber Leaf Branches, zig-zagging around the entire wreath base until it is mostly covered. 

3. Attach the Green Hydrangea on the right side of the wreath in the center.

4. Attach the Peach Dahlia above the Green Hydrangea.

5. Attach the Purple Peony below the Green Hydrangea.

6. Begin with the largest Astilbe Spray Branch and attach directly above the Peach Dahlia flowing upwards. Next, attach the second largest Astilbe Spray Branch tucked under the right side of the Peach Dahlia flowing outwards. Finally, attach the smallest Astilbe Spray Branch tucked under the left side of the Peach Dahlia flowing outwards as well.

7. Attach the longest Hanging Fern Branch directly below the Purple Peony, flowing downwards. Next attach a smaller Hanging Fern branch next to the already-attached Hanging Fern Branch on the right side. Finally, add the remaining Hanging Fern Branch to the right of the last branch attached. 

8. Evenly space the Laurel Leaf Branches around the greenery part of the wreath, beginning where the florals start and finish. 

9. Add the remaining Rubber Leaf Branches to the outside of the wreath as needed to fill in any gaps.

10. Fluff and arrange as needed. Enjoy!

For more whimsical floral tutorials, be sure to sign up for my email list here!

20 more wreath design projects can be found in my book Elegant Handcrafted Wreaths available here.

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